
The E18 motorway connects Helsinki to Vaalimaa. Area of over 27 ha has been allocated in the local plan to services, including a gross floor area of 31,000 m2 earmarked for large retail premises. The area is perfectly suited for trade activities and tourism services. A shopping centre that also includes grocery stores and has a gross floor area of more than 18,000 m2 is being built in the area. The plots on offer in the area are suited for both commercial activities and services.

Cursor Oy

Ilkka Hasanen
Director Invest In,
Cursor Oy
+358 40 190 2515

Virolahden & Miehikkälän kunta

Markku Uski
Technical Director
Virolahden & Miehikkälän kunta
+358 50 389 2150